
5 features that are must in Today’s Classroom

The term classroom brings to our mind visions of a classroom of thirty or more children almost of the same age, listening raptly to the teachers and working diligently at their studies. But the reality is far different. Education today has removed itself from the goal of creating good people in the long run. Reasons are many but let us try to address few.


Teachers in today’s classrooms are normally seen as knowledge dispensers and students as smart repositories of the information and this concept needs amendments. The classrooms need to be more learner-centered as opposed to the idea of teacher-centered classrooms by making it more interactive. Learner’s area of interest should be given the first priority. Exploring into the students’ mind using the student’s knowledge as a base the teacher has to build new concepts so that the learners are fascinated to the classroom.


Most children are naturally curious and highly imaginative. A healthy classroom atmosphere retains this creativity in the children. An ideal class is the one in which ideas flow freely between learners and teachers and there are no restrictions and no rules and procedures followed to suppress a student’s creativity. Creativity is a form of intelligence and it varies from person to person. A learner can be a creative genius in one domain instead of all. A teacher’s job is to channelize their creative bent of minds for the students’ all round development.


Student’s self-esteem is directly related to his/her performance. Our students should be able to go out and handle situations without being afraid of failure or ridicule. It can be achieved with inflicting confidence in student’s mind where the teacher doesn’t shun the students’ ideas. When the teacher asks about shapes, a learner may come out with answers like egg shape instead of elliptical, a dice shape instead of a square or a cube. The teacher should always encourage and appreciate these responses which would boost the learner’s confidence.


The curriculum in our classrooms should be designed in such a way that it enables learners to actively apply information gained through classroom discussions, experience and reasoning in day to day life and they stay connected with the teachers, peer groups and classrooms. Uninterested students fall prey to behavioral problems as they easily become bored, frustrated and discouraged. Some children learn better by visual means, some by auditory means and still others are there who learn better with hands on approach. It is virtually impossible for a single teacher to accommodate all methods of learning when she is responsible for teaching a large number of children, so definitely the curriculum needs a sea change which would keep the class disciplined.

KDMA International as Best CBSE School in Kanpur serves as a birthplace of a lifelong love for learning and knowledge that goes beyond the time our students spend in school. KDMA presents the view of education as a way of life enables our students and teachers to continuously enrich themselves while also equipping them with the skills and knowledge to succeed in 21st Century. Visit: